
Showing posts from November 10, 2013

The PlayStation 4 Is Now Available Across The Contenental US!

Well, the first real shot in the next gen console wars has been heard. Sorry Nintendo, The Wii U hasn't really been a contender. While I have attended every major console release since the Sega Dreamcast many years ago, I have also lived in a major city. This tends to bring the crowds and major festivities. After moving to a small town of 40,000 outside of Las Vegas, I was curious how a console launch would be handled here. So, I drove over to Wal-Mart, the only place to buy games in town, and was surprised to see roughly 12-18 people waiting in line. Unfortunately, unlike big city releases, where people are having a blast and smack talking about how they will rule online this gen, the line locally was, depressing. Just 12-18 people standing in line....doing nothing. What bothers me more is that this town DOES have a large geek culture,  but NOWHERE to express it. Want to buy the latest games? You're buying online or driving 120 miles round trip to Vegas. Anime? The Same....

Senran Kagura Burst Out Now On The Nintendo 3DS eShop!

Out now is the game most US gamers thought would NEVER show up in North America. Senran Kagura Burst, is out now for $29.99 via the Nintendo eShop. Our review should be up soon. Read the full press release after the break

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition Now Available!

Similar to what was done with Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, WB Games and Netherrealm Studios has re-released Injustice with all of its DLC on disc.  To sweeten the deal, the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita (Vita TV as well?) and PC are also included in the fun. So now the PS4 has its own launch fighter! Surprising that an Xbox One version was not released as well..... Read the full press release after the break:

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Lands On PSN Later This Month

For those of you who prefer to download your games as opposed to buying physical media (WHY?!?) and enjoy the Neptunia series, then you will be happy to know that Hyperdimension Neptunia V will hit PSN on Nov 26 in NA and the 27 in the EU! Now a warning.... the art style in this game may be too much for your PS3 to handle as we lost a PS3 in house while playing this game. Full press release after the break:

Little Witch Academia Blu-Ray Collectors Edition Now Available!

Trigger's gem, Little Witch Academia, is now available as a Blu-Ray Collectors Edition containing a 112 page art book, art book translation (?) and the 66 minute making of featurette. This can ONLY be purchased from Trigger's online shop, which is based in Japan. On the plus side, the site is in English, so purchasing by a non Japanese speaker can be done easily:). So prepare to part with your 6000 yen, or around $60.50. Buy Little Witch Academia Here Read the press release after the break