
Showing posts from February 22, 2015

HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 PC Impressions

HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 is the third iteration of this game released in the US. First on the PlayStation 3 by NIS, the "Re;Birthed"  on the Vita and now the PC by Idea Factory International. With that said, instead of doing a review of the game that has been reviewed multiple times on 2 other platforms, we figured giving our impressions on the PC version would be more appropriate. So, what did we think?? Read after the break!

Today is not just Tuesday

Well, if anyone remembers the 1st live action Street Fighter movie, then the sunject of this post would make sense. If not, it's a play on words from the 1st live action Street Fighter movie. DO NOT WATCH IT! Well, back on subject, Capcom has shown off Charlie in action for the 1st time AND a teaser for everyone's favorite megalomaniac, M. Bison (or Vega in Japan). Even better? Street Fighter V will also hold what Capcom is calling the largest beta test of it's kind! Preorder the game and you'll be able to beat up your friends online to test out the netcode and make it perfect! Read more over at Capcom Unity