
Showing posts from March 18, 2012

Yoshinori Ono Hospitalized!

Ono was hospitalized following a promotional event in Asia. Rumor states it was just exhaustion, and hopefully Ono recovers from this. From Capcom: Immediately after a Street Fighter X Tekken event in Asia, the physical condition of Street Fighter X Tekken producer OnoChin [his nickname] rapidly deteriorated, and he collapsed... He was taken to the hospital, and he is currently not coming into work. We here at the Grotto wish Ono-san the best! Source: Capcom's Saikyo Blog via: Kotaku

Review: Ys: The Oath in Felghana

I have been a huge fan of the Ys series since I bought my TurboGrafx-16 CD add on with Ys book 1 and 2 in 1995. My love of the series has done nothing but increase since then, especially when they Ys series began to pop up on the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP. XSEED Games knew the fans wanted more Ys and released Falcom's remake of Ys III on Valve's STEAM platform on March 19th. Currently a top 10 seller on Steam, the fans have shown that they want this gem of a game. XSEED Games also has Ys Origin in the pipeline, but today we look at the greatness that is Ys: The Oath in Felghana! More after the Jump!

Battle Royale Finally Officially Available In The US!

Finally, the classic and inspiration for films like Kill Bill and was out BEFORE The Hunger Games was written, Battle Royale is available in 4 different packages in the US! Available as a standalone Blu-Ray or DVD and in Complete Collection bundles with the sequel (BD and DVD as well) with violent story can be bought legally or without importing! More after the Jump!

When Releasing a Demo, Make Sure You Remove Any Surprises!

Some companies never learn do they? With Ninja Gaiden 3 containing a demo of the highly anticipated DOA5 (by me at least), hackers have managed to compile a character list for the game. This includes MORE Virtua Fighter characters included in the roster! Now DOA1 was built on Sega's Model 2 arcade board, and it appears that Tecmo Koei are buddies with Sega once again! View the list after the Jump!

Gamestop Will No Longer Carry Gamecube Games

If you have a stash of Gamecube games or accessories that you want to trade in for pennies on the dollar, you better run quickly to your closest Gamestop location! Beginning April 12th, they will no longer take anything Gamecube related.... Probably due to the new Wii revision that no longer has Gamecube support. It's a sad day when you can no longer a see tons of Luigi's Mansion, or Donkey Konga, or any other Gamecube game at Gamestop. Source: Gamestop

Nvidia’s GTX 680 emphasizes efficiency, pours on the speed

Today, Nvidia takes the wraps off Kepler, its next-generation GPU, and quite possibly the greatest step forward for graphics processing since it unveiled the G80 in November 2006. The first desktop card out of the gate is the GTX 680. Unlike the 5xx series, which were based on a refined version of the Fermi architecture Nvidia debuted back in 2010, Kepler uses a new GK104 GPU — and its design is a sharp departure from Nvidia’s previous architectures. More after the jump.

Microsoft Mustang: How cars would look if the software giant ran Detroit

The software giant loads a Ford Mustang with its consumer technology as a showcase for what developers can do with on its platform. Read article after the jump.

Visualized: Space Needle slingshot readies 35-foot Angry Bird for launch

If it doesn't make it, we can just hit restart, yeah?  

1/3 Scale Model Star Wars TIE Fighter Appears For Sale on Craigslist

If you're a true  Star Wars  fan, you've probably got  all  the series' merchandise such as  Princess Leia headphone covers ,  real-world  Star Wars  currency , and  lightsaber night lights . But we're willing to bet you don't have this: An 8' x 8' x 8' replica  TIE fighter , big enough to sit inside and pilot.   Read article after the jump.

Monster Titanoboa Snake Invades New York

New York commuters arriving  at  Grand Central Station  were greeted by a monstrous sight: a 48-foot-long, 2,500-pound  titanoboa snake .   The good news: It's not alive. Anymore. But the full-scale replica of the reptile -- which was unveiled at the commuter hub on March 22 -- is intended, as  Smithsonian  spokesperson Randall Kremer joked, to "scare the daylights out of people" -- actually has a higher calling: to "communicate science to a lot of people."   Read article after the jump.

Angry Birds Space debuts

Greetings Geeks! Another busy day in the Grotto. But one way to cut into that drab day is to try the new Angry Birds Space! Rovio has released a new space based version of their insanely famous fowl flinging fun game. Get the game now from your app store of choice! iTunes (iPhone) iTunes (iPad) Mac App Store Rovio (Windows) Google Play (Android) Amazon (Android) Nook (Android) Hit the jump to watch the trailer and read the PR.


An attempt to provide some relief for those distraught and frustrated from seeing and hearing about the crimes against humanity as shown in the KONY 2012 video   Read more after the jump.

Adobe Unveils Photoshop CS6

Adobe has unveiled Photoshop CS6. That's the news that Engadget posted last night and WOW, does it look good. You know what else is good? You can Download the beta for FREE! Just hit the link for all the details. Adobe unveils Photoshop CS6 beta with redesigned UI and 65 new features, download it for free today : It's been two years since Adobe unveiled a new version of Photoshop , so it shouldn't come as a surprise that the company's engineers have been toiling away behind the scenes on a major update. The outfit's clearly ready to start showing off the fruits of its labor, though, as it just unveiled the beta version of CS6. All told, the outfit's added 65 user-feedback-inspired features, including a new crop tool, expanded video editing options, auto recovery and the ability to search for specific layers. Fans of the dotted lines in Illustrator now get the same vector tools in Photoshop. Additionally, every slider for the Camera Raw 7.0 plug-in (exposur...

5 more Game of Thrones trailers!

Not 1, not 2, not 3, not even 4, but 5. 5 new trailers for the Game of Thrones season 2. The marketing machine is in high gear for this show...which is interesting since it's basically guaranteed to be a success. But you don't want to hear about this. You want to see the 5 new trailers. Well, hit the jump and pledge your allegiance to the house of Stark, or Baratheon, or Targaryen, or Grey joy, or even Lannister.

Clip - Wrath of the Titans

Greetings Geeks, Yahoo Movies has posted a clip from the new Wrath of the Titans. It features Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes as Zeus and Hades. Wrath of the Titans opens on March 30th Hit the jump to watch the clip.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC From Square Enix and Bioware?

Announced yesterday for Japan, Square Enix just announced that the Mass Effect inspired N7 Suits will be available for main characters, Serah Farron and Noel Kreiss. Read more after the Jump


Square Enix has just announced that THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY will be released in the US for the Nintendo 3DS this summer. Press Release after the Jump

Puella Magi Ma​doka Magica Episode 5 En​glish Screenin​g Premiere

NicoNico and Aniplex are once again teaming up for a live stream of Puella Magi Ma​doka Magica Episode 5 in English on April 6, 2012 at 8:00 PM PDT. Read the Press Release after the Jump!

Google Wallet is back

Greetings Geeks, Google Wallet hasn't had the easiest time getting itself up and running. Recently, exploits were discovered that left your previously-thought-to-be-secured financial information wide open. Google quickly shut down Wallet and began working on fixing the problem. Well, Wallet is back. And because Google feels really sorry for it, they are giving Wallet users $5 for their trouble. Effected users should have gotten an e-mail from Google saying as much.

happy and sad news for Macross fans

Greetings Geeks, I was going to make 2 separate posts about this, but I figured it best to compound them. Click past the jump to read this rather long post in it's entirety.

Wrath of the Titans Featurette - Chimera

Here is an interesting featurette on one of the monsters from the Wrath of the Titans film. The Chimera.

SPOILERS! Doctor Who's new companion

 Greetings Geeks, Our favorite time traveling lord from Gallifrey will be getting a new companion in Season 7. The BBC confirmed via the official Doctor Who twitter feed that Matt Smith's Season 7 run on this epic show will have a new companion played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.   Jenna most recently had a role in Captain America: The First Avenger and has appeared in several other projects including her role as Jasmine Thomas in the TV series Emmerdale The Spoilery stuff comes after the jump.

Comixology updates app for New iPad

Greetings Geeks, The folks over at Engadget posted a story about the Comixology app for the iPad. Seems that the Comic reader has updated it's iOS presence to accommodate the uber-resolution of 2048 x 1536 screen that the New iPad sports. The update to the app also has a social novel sharing feature. Be sure to hit the source link to get the download. Source: iTunes App Store

Trailer - Berserk Golden Age Arc II

Greetings Geeks! Manga fans will undoubtedly know the name "Berserk". It's a popular series that spawned a great video game and some Anime to boot. Well, here is a trailer for the latest film which is coming to Japanese theaters. It's the second part of Studio 4ºC's adaptation of the Manga. The film is scheduled to run for about 100 minutes and will focus on the epic battle by the Kingdom of Midland to retake Doldrey Castle from the Chuder Empire. The film will open in Japan on June 23. The trailer is in Japanese, but it's visuals are striking enough that I didn't think it would be an issue. Hit the jump for the embed.

Does Michael Bay Plan To Destroy TMNT?

Michael Bay, Producer of the new TMNT movie for Nickelodeon popped up during their Upfront Conference in New York to talk about the new project... To say he's going to make them ALIENS?!?!? As a fan who grew up on TMNT and LOVED the last theatrical movie find this offensive! Read more about the blasphemy here

Trailer - Dark Shadows

Greetings Geeks! Here is the trailer for the latest Tim Burton/Johnny Depp team up Dark Shadows. Dark Shadows is based on the Television series of the same name. An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection. Watch the trailer after the jump.

First image from CW's new show "Arrow"

Greetings Geeks, Those of you missing the angsty drama of Smallville can start waiting on baited breath. Because the CW is bringing you "Arrow" A new television show that follow the exploits of DC's greatest archer, Oliver Queen AKA the Green Arrow. The Arrow has been recast and his suit has been given an overhaul. You can get more info on it over at Source:

Wanted: Spider-Man

Greetings Geeks! It seems as though that masked menace known as Spider-Man is causing a ruckus. So much so that Captain Stacy of the NYPD made a statement to the Daily Bugle about it. Check out the video after the jump.

Grottocast 031812

Greetings Geeks! It's time for this weeks Grottocast. A weekly show where we sum up our thoughts on the past weeks news stories. Please leave a comment, like us, plus us and show us some love. Grottocast after the jump!

The 10 Most Underrated Street Fighter Characters

Well, I actually agree with most of them! Source: ScrewAttack

Prometheus Trailer #2

Over the past couple of days, a new Prometheus trailer was released! Please Don't Suck! Please Don't Suck! Please Don't Suck! Please Don't Suck! Please Don't Suck! Watch it after the Jump!