This week's installment of Wednesday Wabi Sabi, The Anime Network gives you the ENTIRE Legend of Crystania series! Sure it's only 3 episodes. but it's still free! Read more after the jump!
Yes, I'm a day late with this, but Mortal Kombat is now available both at retail and the Playstation Network Store! Watch the launch trailer after the jump!
Up for review today is Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention for the Playstation Vita. For those of you who don't know, Disgaea is a Japanese Strategy RPG that takes place in a school located in the Nether World! As dark as that my sound, it is quite possibly the most colorful and hilarious interpretation of Hell I have ever seen. Read our full review after the jump!
This isn't new, but I just had to post it being the Transformers fan that I am. Courtesy of popular customizer, FrenzyRumble. View The Slideshow at Flicker Source:
Well, geeks and geekettes, BotCon 2012, the convention dedicated to all things Transformers, has come to a close for another year; however, it didn't close without revealing the winner of its 2012 FanFilm contest. Behold the epic kickback to G1 fandom, Transformers: Green Energy. Watch it after the jump!
Well, today's God of War announcement was unexpected. For the first time, you and your buddies get to take on the creatures of ancient Greece! I'd be lying if I didn't say I was exited. Watch the pre-recorded announcement after the jump!