
Showing posts from July 1, 2012

New Street Fighter X Tekken News!

Ok, so Capcom announced today, on the 1st day of EVO 2012, that you will no longer have to wait until the Vita version of the game to be released to play the 12 "new" characters that are locked away on your disc! On July 31st, for $19.99 American Dollars, or 1600 Microsoft Points, you can finally take your "new" characters for a spin! Read the full PR after the jump!

PhotonWaveZero & PrincetonTigress X-Review Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Greetings Geeks! PhotonWaveZero and new grotto dweller PrincetonTigress here with a historically blasphemous X-Review of Tim Burton’s latest venture into cultural oddities, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Now, the opening statement of this review might be a tad cliché, but I am going to ask you the reader to bear with me. Read more after the jump!

Project X Zone 1st Commercial!

Project X Zone has a new Japanese commercial out. Why is it everytime I see this game, I want it more? Watch it after the jump!

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Is Back!

Just announce, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure will be coming back to the PS3, but not from Capcom this time!! Namco Bandai just announced that Cyberconnect2 (Naruto PS3 games, Asura's Wrath) will be brining Jojo to the PS3! Watch the teaser after the jump!

Galaxy Nexus pulled from Play store due to injunction

Greetings Geeks! By now you've probably heard how Apple made Samsung's life a living hell this week. Apple got a Judge to agree to an injunction that bans the Galaxy Nexus from being sold stateside. Well now if you try to buy a Galaxy Nexus from the Google Play store you will get a "coming soon" message. Google has confirmed to ABC News that the Nexus has indeed been pulled as a result of Judge Lucy Koh's recent decision not to lift the injunction against the device. Google does plan to resume sales sometime next week, when it will be shipping with the new Jelly Bean operating system, which Google says will address the issues in dispute. Source: Engadget

"OZ: The Great and Powerful" Poster

Greetings Geeks, Here is the new teaser poster from Sam Raimi's upcoming film OZ: The Great and Powerful. Click the image to super-size.

Avenger's Blu-Ray including a new short film!

Greetings Geeks, I've got some fun information on the new Avenger's Blu-Ray release for you. Call it my gift to you on this 4th of July. First up:  “Item 47” is a 12-minute short sequel to Joss Whedon’s “The Avengers.” It will be included on the Avengers DVD and Blu-ray coming Sept. 25! The short is also expected to be screened at San Diego’s Comic-Con next week. Maximiliano Hernández reprises the role of Agent Sitwell (the bald S.H.I.E.L.D. agent), who is partnered with another agent played by Titus Welliver to track down a pair of humans who have taken to robbing banks after they stumble upon a weapon left behind by the ill-fated attempt to take over the Earth by the Chitauri. The Bonnie and Clyde-like couple, appropriately named Benny and Claire, are played by Lizzy Caplan (New Girl) and Jesse Bradford (Swimfan). Marvel exec Louis D’Esposito directed the short from a screenplay by Eric Pearson. Secondly: Rumors are abound that The "Avengers" Blu-ray will ...

Handset makers set to support Firefox OS

Greetings Geeks! Thought this was interesting. It seems that Mozilla's newly-christened Firefox OS has already gained favor with a number of carriers, including Deutsche Telekom, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telefónica and Telenor. Vivo (Owned by Telefonica) plans to introduce the earliest handsets as soon as next year. ZTE (Known at this site for making affordable Android tablets) is making phones based on the HTML5-powered mobile operating system. Could this mean that the mobile operating system market could have yet another contender? Only time will tell. Source: Engadget

Project X Zone Cover!

Now isn't that a GREAT cover? I am hoping that Capcom/Namco Bandai/Sega decide to release this game in the US. A new promo video should be released tomorrow (or later today depending on your timezone!) After the jump, peak at the First Run version of the game!