Porn sponsored Fighting Game Tournaments?
Greetings Geeks,
Kotaku posted an interesting article about the adult site, Brazzers. It seems that their Special Events Director, Rob Steele, wants to have Brazzers sponsoring Fighting Game events.
Brazzers is interested in sponsoring not only events, but also individual players as well.
This is meeting with all kinds of interesting responses, both for and against the idea which is not surprising what with the recent scandal with the FGC and it's alleged sexual harassment.
Many gamers seem to be on board with the idea. Some professional event runners however are being very clear about their feelings. Tom Cannon, co-founder of the popular EVO tournament, has already said "To be super clear, there will never be a reference to this particular sponsor at Evo, in any way, shape, or form."
So there you have it. Porn sponsored Fighting Game Events and Players? Sound off Geeks! We are dying to know your thoughts.
Source: Kotaku