Up for review today is Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention for the Playstation Vita. For those of you who don't know, Disgaea is a Japanese Strategy RPG that takes place in a school located in the Nether World! As dark as that my sound, it is quite possibly the most colorful and hilarious interpretation of Hell I have ever seen.
Read our full review after the jump!
The Disgaea 3 Live Area
So, how quirky is Disgaea? Well the first screen give you a small hint...
"Just Kidding" pops up 2 seconds later!
The intro video, almost 100% identical to the PS3 version, sets the scene....via song and dance!
Ok, yes, I found my self laughing and thinking WTF at the same time. Now my PS3 copy of the game never had a chance to touch my PS3 due to time constraints, so I jumped on the chance to play the Vita version since I can play during breaks at work. Now I am kicking myself for not realizing that I was sitting on pure gold for the past couple of years!
The Nether World seems to be a brightly colored place
So, here we are, at The Nether Institute, Evil Academy, with the "Overload" as dean. you play as Mao, the dean's son and 1578 year old "honer student" at school. With his head in comics and dreams of defeating the Overlord, he realizes he must become a "hero" in order to defeat dear ol dad. The school delinquents are out to stop him as being a hero would make Mao a delinquent as well, and they do not want that!
Interesting dialog?
As I mentioned before, the game is a turn-based strategy rpg. So to put it simply, plan your method of attack and then survive the enemy's onslaught. The training levels are more than adequate for you to figure out the game's system and to toy around a bit.
You can team up for some interesting combos!
This game, as most NIS srpgs, will have you doing some crazy moves as well as dealing massive amounts of damage the further you go on. Add to that some funny story moments and you have a game any srpg or anime fan should enjoy!
So, now your probably wondering "is there any bad points to this game?" My answer is yes.... There just isn't enough time in my day to play this game! Seriously though, I haven't really found anything wrong myself except I'm probably the only one in the Grotto that likes this genre of gaming.
My rating:
Oops! that's my 1st stage clear screen!
4 out of 5!
Thanks to NIS America for giving us an opportunity to try out this awesome game!l
Day 1 Left, Day 2 Right Just to be clear, Jessica Nigri was asked to leave and change, she was allowed back in... But on day 1 of PAX east, she went dressed as Lollipop Chainsaw's star, Juliet Starling, without issue. Day 2 she went dressed as the same character in one of the multiple alt costumes and asked to leave to change. She returned in the cheerleader uniform from day 1 she was asked to change again, cover up, or leave entirely! Did I mention she was at the WB Games booth and is the official character model for the game? So what's the point of this post? Most of the Grotto staff come from a place in the US where people can go grocery shopping wearing A LOT less than what Nigri had on! Now if she were dressed in one of the alternate costumes from Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball, then I can understand the issue. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+ and after the break, see Nigri's Day 3 costume! Updated 4/9/2012: Added ...
Greeting Geeks, In case you haven't checked it out yet, Nickelodeon has released their new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. As a general disclaimer: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MICHAEL BAY'S TURTLES PROJECT . To put it simply, it's Teen Titans meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003). To put it more complexly...well...you'll have to hit the jump for that.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Greetings Geeks, In the latest episode of ROAD GEEK, The Geek Guru is on the road and has stopped in Washington, D.C. He's bringing you geeky hotspots from around the country. Hit the jump for this episode and a list of great places!