Updated! Getting Ready For The Con!

We here at the Grotto can't go to every major convention, but when something major pops up, we do try! In preparation for this years San Diego Comic Con, we are traveling much lighter, but probably more prepared. Gone will be lugging around the 60 pounds of amazing looking HD Sony Broadcast Camera, but we will have 4 smaller cams all capable of shooting HD.

After the jump, we will list the stuff we are taking with us to the San Diego Comic Con to bring you our view on EVERYTHING!
I try to travel light. It leaves more room for cool swag.
I generally bring:
A Canon Vixia HF R10 HD camcorder with a mic input!
A Canon EOS 5D Mark II (for EPIC Video AND Photos)!
An Acer A100 Android Tablet.
Batteries, Batteries and Batteries.
I'll probably bring my HP laptop as well. Just to have full functioning video editing on hand. Not everyone in this business works on Macs!

What I wish we could bring...
Much like my partner in crime will elaborate on momentarily, Definitely a Powerbag! Minions! and Money! This con gets bigger every year and each year I wish for the same things; More Power, More Help and More Money. It's a vicious cycle.

I am a simple creature with electronic needs!
I will be bringing:
A Toshiba X400, a small camera with a mic input!
A Kodak PlayTouch, an even smaller camera with a mic input!
Camera Grips with Boon Mic!
A Nintendo 3DS, for streetpass Street Fighter IV!
A Playstation Vita, to get my Gravity Rush fix!
An Acer A500 Android Tablet, no need for a laptop here!
External Hard Drives to dump our recordings often!
And batteries!

I figure carrying a second bag with more stuff that weighs LESS than the camera we used the past 2 years may actually work!

What I wish we could bring..
A Powerbag! These things are great. Backpacks with built in USB chargers! That would help keep both cameras charged and at the same time and make sure my Vita and 3DS do not die on me!

The Sony Camera that we used the past 2 years! Sure, it was 60 pounds total of stuff to carry, but on a press line, it felt good to be the guy that not using the smallest camera! Then again, everything is bigger than an iPhone with a huge microphone sticking out!

Something so we can live stream. The only downside is that wireless access at most conventions is REAL slow due to everyone trying to use it, so it's not a big loss.

More Cash!

And Lastly, Minions! With more cash comes more stuff to carry. Minions would carry all our stuff for nothing!

UPDATE: Powerbag was kind enough to send us a powerbag, so we will be testing it out during the San Diego Comic Con!

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