THQ butchered at auction!

Well, today marks the end of an era as THQ is no more. So who got what today? Well here is what's known.

Sega picked up Relic and the Company of Heroes IP for $26.6 million.

Ubisoft grabbed THQ Montreal with the 1666 and Underdog IPs for an insanely low 2.5 million. Ubi also grabbed the South Park: The stick of Truth for $3.265 million.

Take-Two grabbed a single IP, Metamorphosis, for $10.894 million.

Knock Media Group (Deep Silver)  picked up Volition with Saints Row for $22.3 million. They also snagged the Metro license, including 2033 and 2034 for $5.877 million.

Crytek is now the home for Home front at a cost of $544,218? Obviously no one wanted Homefront.

Hopefully this can be good for gamers. No word how support for current games will or if they will continue.

We'll updatre this as more info surfaces.

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